Carl Perkins (he/him)
Having co-owned and operated a small printing company for over 20 years he brings business management and financial analysis skills to the board. He has a firm belief in the organizations mission and values as well as motivation to assist with the creation of an innovative strategy for health care delivery in a community focused model.
Carl has continually looked for ways to give back to the local community some of the success his business has enjoyed. Some of these efforts include providing print services to organizations such as, Growing Gardens whose mission is to promote home-scale organic food gardening to improve nutrition and self-reliance in underserved communities, Compassion and Choices who continues the fight for death with dignity in our life cycles, and CASA (Court appointed special advocates for children).
Due to a long series of fortunate circumstances, he met fellow board member Dr. Kerry Schaefer who introduced him to the rest of the brilliant members of the board of Healthy Living Community and decided that surrounding himself with extremely talented people was a good idea. As a board member he is excited to help further the mission and vision of our community.
For Board information, please contact:
Emily Morioka at emily@hlcomm.org