Emily Morioka, MA, NBHWC, CLC, DONA
It is with such gratitude to work at HLC which is alive with dedicated, creative, and deeply human providers, staff, and members. I come into this space with years of community planning, clinical operations and training, public health work, board leadership, and counseling and birth work. I have a deep dedication in supporting people and communities build narratives and realities that feel more aligned and connected.
With the support of leadership, staff, providers, and community members we hope to grow programming, extend hours, and have a larger outreach into the community. While there are many complexities we are currently navigating as a society, I hold great belief in the power of, and teaching in, community spaces that transform systems of power and oppression. Healthy Living Community strives to continue to uplift those it connects with and continue to impact and be impacted by the amazing folks who are part of this.
As a dedicated mama, partner, friend, and community member I strive to drive our understanding and application of healthcare forward with deep humility, humor, and humanness.
Feel free to connect regarding any fundraising, donation, or clinical operations questions or needs.